Risk [SAO : IM]


What is Risk?

Risk is a value given to players and monsters in SAO:IM, which can be increased via various actions, and will decrease over time. The higher your Risk is, the more damage you take.  Take advantage of this to deal extra damage to monsters which has high Risk

Actions that increases Risk

Receiving damage from the back (applies to both Kirito and monsters)
Being hit while and after an offensive skill or Sword Skill
Getting hit by a critical 
Getting hit by a Knockback or a Bleed effect
Parry' (deafault triangle) an attack

Risk Break

When the Risk of a enemy is at its maximum, a Risk Break occurs, and the following extra effects take place (Risk Break does not happens to players)
Receives twice the damage
Attack speed and Sword Skill activation speed is halved
All buffs are removed

Risk and Switch

To alleviate the amount of Risk on Kirito, Switching out right after a Sword Skill to let your partner tank will help in reducing Risk on Kirito

Thanks to Shirakawa Wynn for the guide. Full credits to him/her.


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